Sree Sreenivasan, ABC TV's Tech Guru and Columbia University professor of digital media Studies in journalism, speaks about the latest developments in social media. ...
Johannes M. Bauer is a professor in the Department of Telecommunication, Information Studies, and Media at Michigan State University. During the 2014 Merit Member Co...
Network Neutrality: The Evolving Global Debate-Johannes M. Bauer
This video covers Information Technology (IT) security awareness training for faculty and staff employees. It also provides training on protection of personally iden...
Information Technology Security Awareness training for Faculty and Staff Employees
This video highlights NJVID features and includes testimonials from users of this service.
In 2012 NJVID was presented with the 'WOW Award for Outstanding Work' by W...
This program traces the history and development of manufacturing in Paterson, New Jersey. Discusses the impact of Paterson's Great Falls on the development of the ci...
This video covers Information Technology (IT) security awareness training for students. It also provides training on protection of personally identifiable informatio...
Information Technology Security Awareness Training for Students
John C. Dvorak is a pioneering tech journalist whose work has been read around the world since the 1980s. His column "Inside Track" currently appears weekly in PC Ma...
Today's Tech Landscape - John C. Dvorak
In providing a broadband statewide network, NJEDge.Net establishes
standards for interoperability, achieves economies of scale and supports
new and emerging technologies to foster and support productive use of
technology across the academic enterprise around New Jersey.
As a real-world example, we display an animation that illustrates AMON in action! In the following case study, AMON’s visualization module displays the databricks as captured during the course of a large DDoS attack against Merit’s RADb service b..
Merit continues to leverage its experience managing NSFNET, the precursor to the modern Internet, to catapult Michigan into the forefront of networking technologies. Merit has implemented a 10 Gbps backbone and is in the process of implementing it ac..
Joe Adams will update a number of Cyber Range activities, including its use in academic courses, a new set of Range hardware at Northern Michigan University, and a Red Team/Blue Team exercise recently conducted in Grand Rapids and Ann Arbor.
ITaaS requires a fundamental change in how IT services are created, paid for, delivered, and consumed. IT-as-a-Service has unveiled a new approach to IT – one that drives value and efficiency….But is it as easy as it’s made out to sound? Join C..
Virtual desktop infrastructure (or VDI) enables users, including students, professors, and administrators, to access their college desktop environment anytime, anywhere from a variety of devices. While VDI promises convenience and enhanced productivi..
Aurasma is a free augmented reality app that transforms images into 3D learning objects. This technology can be used in any discipline, and will enhance lessons with vibrant content. This workshop will showcase examples of Aurasma use in higher edu..
In today’s security environment, can we truly define ‘trusted’ and ‘untrusted’ devices, networks or users? What we are hearing from manufacturers, industry analysts and customers is a resounding NO. The security community is responding by c..
Web accessibility, online course accessibility and accessible course materials have become key topics in higher education, both because of what they allow – universal access to people with disabilities, and what they prevent – lawsuits. This work..
This talk will demonstrate how to create a free customized Voki talking avatar and how it can be used to deliver your message and engage your audience. Voki can be embedded in your online course or webpage. Examples will be shared to help you through..
Tweed-jacketed, book-loving humanities professors seem as if we are at a disadvantage when faced with today's Millennial students. New approaches to the digital humanities offer to engage students, academics, and public audiences in new ways--but tho..
“Faces of New Jersey Women:” is a digital video presentation produced by the student and professional artists of the Spotlight on Girls New Media Consortium for the colossal 4,800 square ft. Prudential Center outdoor screen in Newark, New Jersey...
Discussion Boards are collaborative tools, offering students the chance to read a full range of perspectives about a topic. Traditional classroom discussion is usually limited to a few students who are comfortable speaking in class. Online discussion..
Sree Sreenivasan, ABC TV's Tech Guru and Columbia University professor of digital media Studies in journalism, speaks about the latest developments in social media. He discusses many social media resources that are available circa 2011, including Fac..
Program covers the source of children's exposure to profanity and its effect on their behavior and self-esteem. Contains advice for parents on how to interact with their children to facilitate their language development.
The 'Spotlight on Girls Tel..
This concert celebrates the music of Ludwig van Beethoven. It features pianist Itay Goren, the Ramapo College Chorale, and the Adelphi Chamber Orchestra, conducted by Raymond Torres-Santos, dean of William Paterson University’s College of Arts and..