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Showing results - 91 to 100 of 106
Junk Food Wars

Junk Food Wars

Healthy eating is a challenge—sometimes, it’s even a battle. With vending machines, convenience stores, and fast food restaurants almost everywhere, nutritional value can go down in defeat. This high-energy video shows how to defend against the ...

Introductions and definitions

Introductions and definitions

When it comes to finances, "approximately" is just not good enough. Accounting professionals are expected to understand all the ins and outs of money matters, applying the rules of accountancy with good sense and care. With that in mind, this progra...

The Job Interview

The Job Interview

As a part-time college student, Karen takes jobs “just to pay the bills,” a practice that has given her a zigzag resume that leaves would-be employers wondering if she can commit. In this dramatization, career adviser Avril puts job-hopper Karen...

Inferential statistics

Inferential statistics

Who said statistics were boring? Using magic and circus motifs, this program demonstrates the significance of probability theory and the importance of using the correct test to analyze research data. Host Amy and her friend Matt the Magician guide v...

Overcoming Prejudice

Overcoming Prejudice

Prejudice isn’t something we’re born with—and if we learn it, we can unlearn it. The first step in that process is to study it objectively, as this video does through candid interviews, dramatizations, and expert commentary. Offering a practic...

Integrating ESL students into the classroom

Integrating ESL students into the classroom

By viewing Integrating ESL Students, classroom teachers of any subject will come away with concrete information and advice that they can use to teach - and reach - their English-language learners (ELLs) better. Practicality and relevance guide the p...

Plagiarism 2.0: Information Ethics in the Digital Age

Plagiarism 2.0: Information Ethics in the Digital Age

For a generation raised on the ideology of “open source” and the ability to quickly cut and paste, the concept of plagiarism may seem foreign or passé. And that, of course, can lead to trouble. This video examines the behaviors that constitute ...

Exploring qualitative methods

Exploring qualitative methods

A dream may be the most difficult human experience to quantify - but dreaming is an excellent topic for building qualitative research skills. This program illustrates experiments, designed and conducted by students, that revolve around sleep and dre...

Common Job Interview Mistakes: What NOT to Say or Do

Common Job Interview Mistakes: What NOT to Say or Do

It’s true that a job seeker needs to stand out from the crowd—but there are good and bad ways to do that! Having all the right credentials and experience doesn’t count for much if a candidate comes off as unprepared, unmotivated, and unprofess...

Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving

Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving

By defining critical thinking and examining how it’s applied to the process of problem-solving, this two-section program will show viewers how to handle whatever challenges come their way. An in-class discussion segment on critical thinking explai...