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Showing results - 101 to 110 of 117
Protection Against HIV/AIDS

Protection Against HIV/AIDS

Dr. Alexandra Levine, Chief of the Division of Hematology at the USC School of Medicine, talks about the things people can do to protect themselves from contracting HIV. Some of these include knowing the sexual history of one's partner and making su...

HIV/AIDS: Doctors Who Care

HIV/AIDS: Doctors Who Care

Dr. Alexandra Levine, Chief of the Division of Hematology at the USC School of Medicine, talks about the decision she and other physicians made early on in the battle against HIV/AIDS to treat those who were infected, despite the possible risks to t...

HIV/AIDS: Working with Dr. Jonas Salk (Part One) and (Part Two

HIV/AIDS: Working with Dr. Jonas Salk (Part One) and (Part Two

Dr. Alexandra Levine, Chief of the Division of Hematology at the USC School of Medicine, talks about the experience of working with Dr. Jonas Salk in the battle to conquer HIV/AIDS. Dr. Levine observes that Dr. Salk taught her the value of pursuing ...

In Utero Treatment

In Utero Treatment

Dr. Ed McCabe, Chief of the Mattel Children's Hospital at UCLA, talks about progress that's been made in treating disorders in utero, including heart failure and neural tube defects.

Genetic Testing and Privacy

Genetic Testing and Privacy

Dr. Ed McCabe, Chief of the Mattel Children's Hospital at UCLA, explains that he believes it's imperative that the rights of the individual be protected as regards genetic testing. This can mean anything from not having testing done if someone doesn...

Genetics of Personality, The

Genetics of Personality, The

Dean Hamer, Director of the Gene Structure and Regulation Unit at the National Cancer Institute, talks about the link between the gene involved in dopamine metabolism and the personality of those who tend to be thrill seekers.

Forensics and Violence

Forensics and Violence

Dr. Astrid Heger, Director of the Violence Intervention Program at L.A. County-USC Medical Center, talks about the great strides that have been made by forensic medicine in determining the extent and nature of physical abuse in cases of domestic vio...

Working: Government, Business and Family Policy

Working: Government, Business and Family Policy

At one time, businesses didn't have to worry about families because most women were home taking care of their children full-time. With women now in the workforce in large numbers, that has changed. Still, many companies consider family challenges ...

Children and Violence

Children and Violence

Dr. Ed McCabe, Chief of the Mattel Children's Hospital at UCLA, acknowledges that it's very difficult to predict which children are going to commit violent acts, but adds that, "...when there are signs ahead of time, we need to recognize that maybe ...

Children and Violence (Part Two)

Children and Violence (Part Two)

Dr. Astrid Heger, Director of the Violence Intervention Program at L.A. County-USC Medical Center, continues her discussion of children who are the victims of violence. She focuses here on the emotional journey of a young girl who had been the victi...