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Showing results - 111 to 120 of 120
Forensics and Violence

Forensics and Violence

Dr. Astrid Heger, Director of the Violence Intervention Program at L.A. County-USC Medical Center, talks about the great strides that have been made by forensic medicine in determining the extent and nature of physical abuse in cases of domestic vio...
Series: Health Care
Subject: health

Children and Violence

Children and Violence

Dr. Ed McCabe, Chief of the Mattel Children's Hospital at UCLA, acknowledges that it's very difficult to predict which children are going to commit violent acts, but adds that, "...when there are signs ahead of time, we need to recognize that maybe ...
Series: Health Care
Subject: health
Transcript: Health professionals to try and help us do a better job.

Children and Violence (Part Two)

Children and Violence (Part Two)

Dr. Astrid Heger, Director of the Violence Intervention Program at L.A. County-USC Medical Center, continues her discussion of children who are the victims of violence. She focuses here on the emotional journey of a young girl who had been the victi...
Series: Health Care
Subject: health
Transcript: of their days here in the clinic, In the mental health clinic because they can help others. And there's one little mom that sits down there And helps

Children and Violence (Part One)

Children and Violence (Part One)

Dr. Astrid Heger, Director of the Violence Intervention Program at L.A. County-USC Medical Center, talks about the types of cases her program deals with involving violence against children, and how the program seeks to provide these children with an...
Series: Health Care
Subject: health

Depression and Medication (Part One)

Depression and Medication (Part One)

Dr. Andrew Leuchter, Director of Adult Psychiatry at UCLA, explains that it often takes time for a patient to realize he or she is doing better after beginning medication. "Commonly, the first things to improve are symptoms, such as sleep anxiety (a...
Series: Health Care
Subject: health

Counseling, Genetics, and Risk

Counseling, Genetics, and Risk

Dr. Ed McCabe, Chief of the Mattel Children's Hospital at UCLA, talks about the different ways people react when they learn that their unborn child is at risk for severe malformation or mental retardation. Dr. McCabe adds that he is careful in such ...
Series: Health Care
Subject: health

Depression or Anxiety?

Depression or Anxiety?

Dr. Andrew Leuchter, Director of Adult Psychiatry at UCLA, talks about the overlap between anxiety and depression, noting that, "'s hard to know where one ends and the other begins."
Series: Health Care
Subject: health

DNA Similarities

DNA Similarities

Dean Hamer, Director of the Gene Structure and Regulation Unit at the National Cancer Institute, explains that "...all of us humans have pretty much the same DNA. In fact, my DNA and your DNA and somebody else's DNA is 99.9% the same." In fact, Dr. ...
Series: Health Care
Subject: health

Speaking for the Voiceless

Speaking for the Voiceless

Dr. Astrid Heger, Director of the Violence Intervention Program at L.A. County-USC Medical Center, talks about the dual frustrations of having to deal with an often unresponsive federal bureaucracy, as well as the attitudes and beliefs of those who ...
Series: Health Care
Subject: health
Transcript: or the education or health and human services Or transportation or hud or whatever. And yet, they all need to work together on a horizontal plane. So

Who Decides? (Part One)

Who Decides? (Part One)

Professor of Law and Medicine Alex Capron talks about how much doctors should share with patients, and how physicians and patients can best work together to make decisions about treatment. He also explores the issue of who decides (and on what basis...
Series: Health Care
Subject: health