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Showing results - 11 to 20 of 4686
Spanish Surrealism Film

Spanish Surrealism Film

Combining two dream sequences, Luis Bunuel and Salvador Dali produced "Un Chien Andalou," a tale of confusing identity. Ironically, classical techniques created the most Surrealist images.

  Migration and Film Digitization

Migration and Film Digitization

Migration converts files from one system to the next. Updating and storing data is expensive and time consuming. Digital media helps in film

Films about Folk Songs

Films about Folk Songs

We watch excerpts from videos Hurston made that include singing and narration about black folk songs. She revealed the sophistication of black musical culture.

Introduction to Film

Introduction to Film

Host Mishal Husain introduces the film that follows seven children who start primary school. Poverty, female gender, and political unrest are major

Gays on Film
From Film to Museum

From Film to Museum

Barney's installations are filmed as a way of testing the final results. Moving images can function as texts to generate forms. Barney's

Film: Software and Skyscapes

Film: Software and Skyscapes

Actors are shot in front of a blue screen; post-production can key out that color without affecting other colors. They can change the color of the sky or put in clouds and buildings.

The Technology of Film

The Technology of Film

Computers make film editing faster and easier. They can alter the pace and rhythm of movement in a film.