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Families Today and Tomorrow: Ongoing Importance of Family, The

Families Today and Tomorrow: Ongoing Importance of Family, The

While some believe the role of the family has diminished in recent years, others contend that while the family has changed, it remains as important as ever.

Changing Families: Alternative Family Structures

Changing Families: Alternative Family Structures

Among the most obvious changes in American families has been the increased diversity of family forms and structures. Some of the most common alternative family forms are: single parent families, married couples without children, stepfamilies, and f...

Truth Be Told: Research Tools and Techniques

Truth Be Told: Research Tools and Techniques

The tools and techniques of sociological research are wide-ranging. The choice about which to use is generally dictated by the topic being researched, as well as the preferences of the sociologist.

To Parent or Not to Parent: Why Couples Are Having Fewer Children

To Parent or Not to Parent: Why Couples Are Having Fewer Children

Families in the late 19th century had, on average, about six children, while the number of children per family today has dropped to only about 1.8. Some experts believe this de-coupling of marriage and childbearing has come about because children ...

Changing Families: Why Families Have Changed

Changing Families: Why Families Have Changed

The institution of family has changed since the 1960's because of many factors, including the increased participation of women in the paid labor force, the rise in divorce rates, and developments in contraception and reproductive technology.