About this title: SNCC and the Southern Movement have lost a lot of important people over the years both from political assassinations and natural causes. Charles Sherrod's moving version of "One more time" incorporates the names and photos of heroe...
About this title: This panel probes the complex evolution of SNCC: the radicalizing effect of its style of grassroots organizing, its disillusionment with establishment politics, the attacks on SNCC by former liberal allies and more conservative bla...
About this title: SNCC's impact on elections across the nation is still little known, but the changes unfolding in the South helped accelerate an emerging black electoral surge in America. Ivanhoe Donaldson explains how Julian Bond's successful camp...
About this title: Joyce and Dorie Ladner’s parents were like many African American parents in that they understood how to survive under Jim Crow and who constantly worried about the welfare of their children. Nevertheless, the Ladners taught their...
About this title: This session is full of the sound and power of movement song. Bernice Johnson Reagon explains the origin of the SNCC Freedom Singers. She introduces a brief video of Cordell Reagon who organized the singers with Charles Sherrod. Ma...
About this title: This session presents a behind-the-scenes look at the people and elements that kept SNCC running as an organization. The panelists, former SNCC staffers (many of whom also worked “in the field” as well), represent some of the g...
About this title: "When you finally get a Black President you get a nice, polite, well-behaved educated one who ain't mad." Gregory was one of a handful of prominent entertainers who consistently supported SNCC. And he was one of the very few of thi...
About this title: Over the years, the popular media has had a troubled relationship with organizations like SNCC. Hollywood film director Phil Alden Robinson maintains that a big challenge to producing freedom movement films for theatrical distribut...
About this title: Actor Danny Glover was 13-years-old in 1960. As a college student at San Francisco State in 1968 "SNCC articulated my own rebelliousness." He recounts the campus struggle for an ethnic studies department and explains that SNCC "tau...
About this title: At SNCC's 1960 founding conference, Ella Baker encouraged the students to recognize that their struggle was "bigger than a hamburger" in reference to the original narrow goals of desegregating lunch counters. As the students’ con...