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Fallout: Election of 1948, The

Fallout: Election of 1948, The

In the 1948 Presidential election, the Democratic Party is split with Truman's approval at an all time low. The various factions support Strom Thurman, and then Henry Wallace. Republicans unite behind a single candidate, Thomas E. Dewey of New York ...

America in a World At War: African Americans and the War

America in a World At War: African Americans and the War

Military service is an important integrative device, however, mixing is not going on across certain racial lines. During the war, white soldiers are not allowed to receive black blood, training bases in south are entirely segregated, and northern bl...

What Price Freedom: Republicans Legislate Harsher Approach to Reconstruction

What Price Freedom: Republicans Legislate Harsher Approach to Reconstruction

Republicans in Congress legislate a more radical version of reconstruction through a series of Reconstruction Acts they pass over Johnson's veto. It is clear that they don't want treasons Southerners in Congress within months of the war's end. They ...

What Price Freedom: Confusion and Devastation Marks End of Civil War

What Price Freedom: Confusion and Devastation Marks End of Civil War

In 1865, as it becomes clear that the war is drawing to a close, no one in Washington knows quite what to do. Abraham Lincoln cannot negotiate a treaty with a government he insists has no right to exist, but neither can he simply readmit Southern st...

Way We Were?, The: Other America-Inner Cities and Beyond, The

Way We Were?, The: Other America-Inner Cities and Beyond, The

Inner city neighborhoods are becoming vast repositories for the poor. The city of Chicago with its growing black ghettos is a case in point. For some blacks who are attaining educational opportunities and building powerful black communities in South...

What Price Freedom: Emancipation and Reunification: Challenges to Peacemaking

What Price Freedom: Emancipation and Reunification: Challenges to Peacemaking

There are two primary goals at the end of the Civil War, reuniting the country and emancipation, but no one knows exactly what freedom for blacks means. Freed people know what they want--literacy and land--but taking land from the planter class and ...

Chaos of Experimentation, A: Agricultural Adjustment

Chaos of Experimentation, A: Agricultural Adjustment

The Agricultural Adjustment Act is a stopgap measure which designates the government as the buyer of last resorts when price are low. Farmers are also required to plow under crops and slaughter livestock to reduce the surplus, an action that is crit...

What Price Freedom: President Johnson Fast Tracks Re-entry of Southern States

What Price Freedom: President Johnson Fast Tracks Re-entry of Southern States

At this very difficult time, Lincoln's Vice President Andrew Johnson becomes President. Johnson is a former slaveholder and wartime governor of Tennessee, a loyal unionist Democrat who was put on the ticket to broaden the appeal of the Republican Pa...