Presentation Abstract: As our students spend more time on the Internet and less time with actual physical texts, it becomes essential for educators to adopt new tools to teach the pedagogy of English composition and writing skills. Using the history...
Presentation Abstract: This approach to Universal Learning Design, which could be applied to all disciplines, incorporates a "Teacher within the Text" linking teachers and students together in a dynamic, digital learning environment. These innovativ...
Presentation Abstract: As faculty begin to develop more and more digital assets for their courses it is important to consider how they will deliver them. Using the ubiquitous PDF format it is now easier then ever to deliver your digital assets in a ...
Presentation Abstract: The use of simulation and the technology that supports it is becoming a signature pedagogical innovation in healthcare professions education. It bridges the gap between education and clinical practice in the real world. The us...
Presentation Abstract: Learn about several FREE, easy-to-use Web 2.0 tools for use by both faculty and students to enhance your teaching and engage your students in learning. A range of applications will be covered including: - creating demos/tutori...
Presentation Abstract: How do educators promote the same type of interaction, the same give and take and interest in an online speech course that is offered asynchronously? Can a sense of community be achieved in such a course? What tools and innova...
Presentation Abstract: Using a combination of technology and situated learning, students can develop skills, knowledge and ways of thinking necessary for becoming effective leaders in organizations and communities. Strategic Management and Governanc...
Presentation Abstract: This presentation is intended for instructors of any discipline who plan to assign writing in a course. Many colleges have a writing center where students can receive tutoring on writing assignments, and some colleges offer wr...
Presentation Abstract: Importance: The combination of Moodle / Itunes /CUBE software (developed at NJIT) provides an extremely flexible teaching environment where students can participate in the class in either convention face-to-face, hybrid or ent...
Presentation Abstract: Today new generations use a variety of mediums to communicate and form communities of interest outside the classroom. There is an obvious disconnect between current educational practices and what the students are exposed to in...