Half a million African-American workers who migrated from the rural South struggle to retain their positions in the decade of the 1920s. Unions do not attempt to enroll black workers. Although there are black teachers, nurses, and entrepreneurs, bla...
The United States continues to grow in the 1920s. More and more homes are being electrified in the 1920s, movies now have sound, the first radio network is formed. The literary achievements of the 1920s, many critics believe, are unparalleled in Ame...
In the 1920s, new scientific discoveries are challenging traditional religious views. One clear example is the Scopes Trial of 1925 over whether or not evolution can be taught public schools.
The 1928 presidential candidate for the Democrats, Governor Al Smith, is the first to attract urban working class voters that will be part of the Roosevelt coalition. The Republicans seem to have a secure hold on presidency and Congress during these...