His popularity diminished, Truman withdraws from presidential race in 1952. The Democratic Party unites behind Adlai Stevenson, Governor of Illinois, while Republicans turn to a man with no previous party affiliation, General Dwight D. Eisenhower. E...
President John F. Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas, Texas in November of 1963. Just hours after Kennedy's death, Vice President Johnson is sworn as the nation's 36th president aboard Air Force One. Because of his mastery of Congress, Johnson is abl...
One of the most striking characteristics of the 1950s is the predominance of the middle class. They are "people of plenty," as one author calls them, a consumer culture, and their numbers include people whose families had been on the fringes of pove...
The great migration to the suburbs also influences family life and the roles men and women play. The fact that men tend to work in the city is often though to mean that women should care for things at home, an idea reinforced by several popular tele...
Fear grips the country--not only fear of communist infiltration, but fear of being suspected of communist leanings. It is a climate that makes possible the rise of Joseph McCarthy, first-term senator from Wisconsin. FBI director J. Edgar Hoover help...