What are values? What are goals? And how are they connected? These questions are easy to ask, but they’re not so simple to answer. This three-section program combines commentary from educators and students with in-class exercise segments to explor...
About this title: By defining critical thinking and examining how it’s applied to the process of problem-solving, this two-section program will show viewers how to handle whatever challenges come their way. An in-class discussion segment on critic...
About this title: Lectures and labs are the heart of the college academic experience, and for students eager to make the most of them, active listening and note-taking are powerful learning tools. This two-section program explains how to create a bu...
For the remodeler embarking on any home renovation—particularly one where improved sustainability and energy efficiency is a goal—it’s essential to first assess the current performance of the house and all its systems. This video takes viewers...
About this title: Compared to high school, where the day is structured down to the minute, college is a blank do-it-yourself calendar. Classes, clubs, sports, part-time jobs…assignments, projects, exams…even time to hang out: all must be pencile...
About this title: What are values? What are goals? And how are they connected? These questions are easy to ask, but they’re not so simple to answer. This three-section program combines commentary from educators and students with in-class exercise ...
By defining critical thinking and examining how it’s applied to the process of problem-solving, this two-section program will show viewers how to handle whatever challenges come their way. An in-class discussion segment on critical thinking explai...