What is it that makes a Jew a Jew? In New York, Elie Wiesel, author and survivor of the concentration camps, tries to define it. In London, Nobert Brainin and the Amadeus Quartet carry the argument further, both in words and music. Inevitably the se...
One of the major themes of the Childhood series is introduced and explored - the mutual influence and importance of both "nature" and "nurture," the ongoing interaction of time, place and biology. Highlights of the premiere program include witnessin...
This program explores the importance of peer relationships as a crucial component of development. Peers provide a context for working out moral dilemmas, social relationships and for developing a strong self identity. At this age children often part...
Visits the Zulu Independent Churches in South Africa to explore the Black African response to Christianity. When Christian missionaries took the Gospel to Africa they also tried to suppress African religion and subvert African culture with their own...
In the 1100 churches of Indianapolis, we see bewildering multiplicity of Protestantism. Churches with the seating and styling of deluxe first-run theaters. Services conducted with the professionalism of television spectaculars. And congregations tha...
In this episode, Ronald Eyre asks himself some questions. It is not a film in which he hands out diplomas to believers of the religion that pleased him best. The search, for him, began long before this series got off the ground and will continue lon...
An infant may not be able to speak, but research clearly shows that the roots of future personality are present from birth. Observer Jerome Kagan shows why shyness and sociability have a distinct biological component. But is biology destiny? We expl...
This program features three- to five-year-olds learning the social and psychological intricacies of family life. Observer Urie Bronfenbrenner characterizes the family as "the most efficient means for making human beings human." As the wider world af...
Traces the Indian religious experience in two highly contrasting locations: the bustling city of Benares where millions come to bathe in the holy waters of the Ganges, and the small village of Bhith Bhagwanpur, unvisited except by professional story...
To Sri Lanka (Ceylon) and India to discover the type of Buddhism practiced throughout southeast Asia. Among those we meet are Buddhist monks - including one American, school children, novices and housewives. Each offers something from his own experi...