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Eye of the cyclops: adventures in scientific exploration : forest

Eye of the cyclops: adventures in scientific exploration : forest

Climb aboard the Cyclops, a microscopic research vessel, and investigate an amazing hidden world on which all living things depend. This series -- Eye of the Cyclops -- makes an excellent introduction to biological classification, diversity and ecol...

Eye of the cyclops: adventures in scientific exploration : stream

Eye of the cyclops: adventures in scientific exploration : stream

Climb aboard the Cyclops, a microscopic research vessel, and investigate an amazing hidden world on which all living things depend. This series -- Eye of the Cyclops -- makes an excellent introduction to biological classification, diversity and ecol...

Eye of the cyclops: adventures in scientific exploration : pond

Eye of the cyclops: adventures in scientific exploration : pond

Climb aboard the Cyclops, a microscopic research vessel, and investigate an amazing hidden world on which all living things depend. This series -- Eye of the Cyclops -- makes an excellent introduction to biological classification, diversity and ecol...

Eye of the cyclops: predators of the shallows

Eye of the cyclops: predators of the shallows

While engrossed in observing the food capturing and feeding methods used by Planaria, a flatworm, the tentacles of Hydra trap the Cyclops crew where they receive a hands-on lesson in the process of digestion.

Eye of the cyclops: plankton play

Eye of the cyclops: plankton play

Cyclops and its intrepid crew of explorers encounter the denizens of the plankton: micro-crustaceans, insects, rotifers, and protists, organisms with unique adaptations for open water life.

Branches on the tree of life: the biology of algae

Branches on the tree of life: the biology of algae

The term algae is a catchall for several evolutionary lines of photosynthetic organisms: dinoflagellates: red algae (plastids with chlorophyll A); diatoms, yellow-brown algae and brown algae (chlorophylls A and C); and green algae (chlorophylls A an...

Branches on the tree of life: the biology of rotifers and nematodes

Branches on the tree of life: the biology of rotifers and nematodes

The diversity of rotifers is stunning, and this program shows many different species. Planktonic rotifers have special adaptations for open water life. Nematodes (round-worms) include a number of important human parasites, seldom seen but easily f...

Eye of the cyclops: discovering a forest microcosm

Eye of the cyclops: discovering a forest microcosm

The microexplorers are channeled into the pond outlet, where they tumble into a rapidly flowing stream and discover a world of aquatic insects adapted for life in flowing water.

Branches on the tree of life: the biology of cnidarians

Branches on the tree of life: the biology of cnidarians

"Cnidarians" begins with a remarkable series of observations on Hydra including: habitat, structure, feeding, nematocyst discharge, locomotion (by looping), and its sexual and asexual reproductive strategies. Obelia illustrates the two-stage life cy...

The biology of seashores

The biology of seashores

In these programs life is examined in terms of habitat, diversity, adaptation, ecological niches, and interrelationships. Modular presentation, stunning biological photography, and up-to-date learning design create a powerful teaching resource for t...