A more personal look at insurance including motor vehicle and life insurance, liability coverage, determining annual premiums, and reading tables.
An introduction to simple algebra with emphasis placed on reading formulas correctly, manipulating formulas, ratios and proportions, and using standard formulas to solve word problems.
The basics of interest, formulas for and a discussion of how concepts of principal, rate and time interrelate.
Learn just how prevalent credit has become in retailing and how in today's business world, credit is no longer just a customer convenience, it increases sales and provides additional income.
Payroll as a critical component in a business's recordkeeping system, outlining the process for calculating payroll deductions, and filing payroll records and returns.
Basic formulas for calculating markup, markdown and cost, and how to apply the concept of percent to markup and markdown problems.
The importance of minimizing unsalable or surplus merchandise is the focus of this video. Inventory control is presented as a strategy for business management and marketing, not just recordkeeping.
Study the two most basic financial statements of any business -- the income statement and the balance sheet
Details on how taxes are spent, stressing the fact that tax laws are constantly changing forcing the business person to stay informed.
The services of modern banks and savings institutions with an introduction to checking accounts, check registers, credit card transactions and bank statements.