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Legislative Victory for Women

Legislative Victory for Women

The Albany legislature ejects petitions for women's suffrage. Within a month, the legislature amends two laws strengthening a woman's right to keep her own earnings and giving her a measure of control over the custody of her children.

Watson the Robot: Landslide Victory

Watson the Robot: Landslide Victory

Watson, a computer, has a landslide victory over two Jeopardy contestants. The machine appeared to have the ability to understand all the

Swiss Victory and National Pride

Swiss Victory and National Pride

In 1315 the Uri, Schwyz, and Unterwalden defeated Duke Leopold of Austria at the Battle of Morgarten, thus forming Europe's first federal state with a democratic constitution. Two symbols of national pride include the Swiss flag and Rutli Meado...

Franco Announces Victory in Spain

Franco Announces Victory in Spain

Franco announces his victory. Casado and Miaja escape from Madrid. Besteiroi stays and later dies in prison. The Spanish refugees along the French

Victory in Europe: Allied Strategy

Victory in Europe: Allied Strategy

of Allied troops to defeat Japan. As the Allies mobilized in 1942 the Nazi war machine marched on. The Allies scored an important victory by

Catholic Church Claims Victory Over Jews

Catholic Church Claims Victory Over Jews

, the Church claims victory, a signal to once again campaign against the Jews.

Death: Eisenstein's Final Victory

Death: Eisenstein's Final Victory

Why wasn't Eisenstein purged? He was internationally known and was the face of Soviet culture, yet he never filmed the revised version of "Ivan." On February 11, 1948, Eisenstein suffers a heart attack and dies. "Ivan" is ne...

Victory in Europe: Allies Turn the Tide

Victory in Europe: Allies Turn the Tide

American and British troops drove German General Rommel out of Africa. The Soviet Union held off the Germans at Stalingrad and began a steady march toward Berlin. By the summer of 1943 Allied warplanes were bombing German cities. When Allied forces ...