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Showing results - 11 to 20 of 9657
Hunger Strike
Velvet Strike
Velvet Strike

Kingsman, November 3, 1967

Volume XXXV- No. 6 This issue contains articles detailing the continuation of the strike and arrest scandal at Brooklyn College mentioned in
Subject: Student strikes

Kingsman, October 20, 1967

Volume XXXV- No. 4 This issue contains articles detailing a student strike of about 100 students protesting the arrest of 60 Brooklyn College
Subject: Student strikes

Anger is not enough Womens strike for equality Fact Sheet

Subject: strike for equality
PDF text: (\ I '\ Ii (\ \ 1\ 'l ,,' \\ \ \ ANGER IS NOT ENOUGH AUG. 26 WOMEN'S STRIKE FOR EQUALITY FACT SHEET . Abortion: - there are an estimated one

for most women strike day was a topic of conversation

Subject: strike for equality
PDF text: For Most Women, 'Strike' Day Was Just a Topic of Conversation By GRACE LICHTENSTEIN New York Times (1857-Current file); Aug 27, 1970; Pro


Subject: strike for equality
PDF text: (I) '\ ~ I) ~ , 1 r I I " J I~ V \ ~' CALL TO WOMEN'S STRIKE FOR EQUALITY, AUGUST 26, 1970 by Betty Frieden Our movement toward true

newsweek agrees to speed promotion of women

Subject: strike for equality
PDF text: manner. : .. It has s~methl?g "I w~nt to congratulate us together to sign a pledge by approachmg symbolIc slg- all," saId Osborn Elliott, the the magazine

March on Mayor Lindsay

Subject: strike for equality
PDF text: March on Mayor Lindsay Delftanding: Free Abortion 011 Demand No Forced Sterilization Free Z4 hr. Child Care Centers Community Cpntrolled -NOW