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Showing results - 11 to 13 of 13
He Brought the People with Him: Andrew Jackson Ushers in New Era with Election Victory in 1828

He Brought the People with Him: Andrew Jackson Ushers in New Era with Election Victory in 1828

By the time the 1828 presidential election rolls around, the party has divided itself into National Republicans-Adams and his supporters-and Democratic Republicans-Andrew Jackson and his followers. The campaign on both sides degenerates into a war o...

He Brought the People with Him: Jackson Reaches Impasse with Congress

He Brought the People with Him: Jackson Reaches Impasse with Congress

Jackson's cabinet choices, largely unknown on the national scene, are causing a stir in official Washington. When John Eaton, Secretary of War, is seen in the company of a well-known Washington widow, the wives of other cabinet members refuse to inv...

He Brought the People with Him: Jackson 's Violent Tendencies Feared by Washington Insiders

He Brought the People with Him: Jackson 's Violent Tendencies Feared by Washington Insiders

Some people view Andrew Jackson as a dangerous backwoodsman, a "hick with power." It is true that Jackson was involved in a duel prior to his election as president. The confrontation was related to two separate incidents that called into question bo...