Vol. LXX – No. 3
This issue contains articles on an investigation of the asbestos abatement project, the first student government assembly of the year, and a planned student government petition drive.
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Vol. LXVI – No. 2
This issue contains articles on the sudden resignation of the student center director, the resignation of the student assembly speaker, and the closure of a campus pool due to asbestos.
Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. vo...
Vol. LXVIII – No. 6
This issue contains articles on a student's planned lawsuit against a student association and delays in campus heating due to asbestos remediation.
Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of publication...
Vol. LXVI – No. 4
This issue contains articles on a campus-wide asbestos problem and a voter registration drive by NYPIRG.
Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of publication. Brooklyn College Illumira, url, accessed on...