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Showing results - 11 to 15 of 15
No logo: brands, globalization, resistance

No logo: brands, globalization, resistance

Naomi Klein, acclaimed journalist and author of the best-selling book No Logo, examines the rise of international branding and the grassroots anti-corporate campaigns it has inspired. She asks viewers to consider the costs of globalization, includi...

Advertising & the end of the world

Advertising & the end of the world

In Advertising & the End of the World, Sut Jhally, Executive Director of MEF, exposes the inherent conflict between commercial culture - as aggressively sold by private, global media systems - and environmental stewardship. This powerful video goes...

The Overspent American

The Overspent American

This powerful video scrutinizes what Juliet Schor calls "the new consumerism" - a national phenomenon of upscale spending shaped and reinforced by a media system driven by commercial interests. Illustrated with hundreds of media examples, The Overs...

The Diamond Empire: Part 1

The Diamond Empire: Part 1

This astonishing documentary investigates how an advertising slogan invented by Madison Avenue executives in 1948 has come to define our most intimate and romantic rituals and ideals. The Diamond Empire, which sent shockwaves through the transnation...

The Diamond Empire: Part 2

The Diamond Empire: Part 2

This astonishing documentary investigates how an advertising slogan invented by Madison Avenue executives in 1948 has come to define our most intimate and romantic rituals and ideals. The Diamond Empire, which sent shockwaves through the transnation...