This clip revisits the notion that there are two ways to look at division: as the opposite of multiplication or as repeated subtraction. The clip then introduces partial quotients and explains how they can be used in the subtraction process.
This clip presents a basic arithmetic problem which is solved through the use of "educated guesses" and partial quotients.
This clip explains that, "
if you are dividing by a number less than 10, you may have learned to do all the work in your head." It then demonstrates the steps that one would go through in dividing 208 by 8.
This clip presents a division problem which is solved through the ability to work with multiples of ten, which simplifies the problem, as well as an understanding of partial quotients.
This clip explains 4 rules of division, including never dividing by zero; zero divided by a non-zero number equals zero; any number divided by one equals that number; and, any non-zero number divided by itself equals 1.
This clip explains when remainders are used, noting that they are unnecessary once fractions are learned.