Vol. LVII – No. 12
This issue contains articles on problems plaguing the TV center, the persistence of sexual assault on campus, and a student dance marathon for charity.
Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of publicat...
Volume 3, Number 2
This issue covers articles on the rescheduling of finals creating logistical issues in semester planning, the Brooklyn College Association met its fund-raising goal, and Brooklyn College Fee Association requiring campus groups to ...
Vol. XIX—No. 3
Barbara Spitler elected as Senior Class Committee Chairman but Executive Council fails to fill string of positions on the Faculty Student Committee on Publications, hope remains for Baroque Music Festival at BC, Dr. Charles Glicksb...
Vol. LXXII – No. 12
This issue contains articles on Gov. Mario M. Cuomo being named graduation keynote speaker, the indictments against a man accused of multiple sexual assaults near campus, the approval of student election commissioners, and the ...
Vol. XXII—No 5.
Student Union Building Organization seeks further funds as construction plans stagnate, Executive Council approves resolution sponsored by Interfraternity Council which reaffirms the right of any “CLAS student” to enroll in a...