Traveling throughout both the developing and industrialized world, [the film] brings us face-to-face with the architects of the reigning world economic order, as well as with the people bearing the brunt of their policies. Shows how international fi...
A 150-pound bag of coffee beans might earn a farmer $50; the "street value" of that same bag-10,000 cups of coffee-is around $20,000. By following the trail of two coffee beans grown in the Peruvian Andes, this program takes a unique look at the ubi...
Were it not for the elemental forces of the Nile River, the great architecture of ancient Egypt and Ethiopia might never have been built. But in today’s water-starved world, the river could lead both countries down a destructive path. This program...
How is business without borders really affecting the world? As Sabeer Bhatia, inventor of Hotmail; Narayan Murthy, founder of Infosys; and other industry leaders attest, globalization has raised the standard of living in developing economies through...