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Showing results - 11 to 20 of 3372
Preventable Disease

Preventable Disease

The biggest risk to the world's children is death from preventable disease. The Gates Foundation and others work through GAVI to get vaccines to

Prevention Works

Prevention Works

Students are using the problem solving techniques and faculty notice the difference in behaviors.

Preventing Plagiarism

Preventing Plagiarism

Preventing plagiarism is the responsibility of teachers and students. Citing sources usually follows one of three established formats: APA, MLA, and

Rethinking the Death Penalty

Rethinking the Death Penalty

Some mistakes are fixable. Wrongful conviction and subsequent execution is not. In this program, ABC News correspondent John Donvan traces the history of the death penalty in the U.S. since 1935 while capturing the views of George W. Bush and Illino...
Subject: Judicial error -- United States
Transcript: proven to be so fraught with error and has come so close to the ultimate nightmare, the state's taking of innocent life. Earlier this year, Illinois

Pollution Prevention: Bridging Troubled Water: Alternative Pulp and Paper Bleaching Technology

Pollution Prevention: Bridging Troubled Water: Alternative Pulp and Paper Bleaching Technology

Facing a lawsuit charging it with discharging toxic effluent in the water off the coast of northern California, Louisiana Pacific knew it needed to change the way its pulp mills operated. Even though it successfully met the mandates of the lawsuit ...
Subject: pollution prevention
Transcript: workmanlike fashion and with good efficiency, All the time. So that's now our new standard of performance. [ narrator ] preventing pollution through product