Guided, explicit demonstrations of how to seamlessly infuse culture into counseling sessions. The sessions are conducted with narrative introductions
Series: Culturally Alert Counseling
A study of the concept of sexuality in Mexico and Central America. Focus is on the cultural archetypes of machismo and marianismo, orientations which
Series: Mesoamerican Cultural Code
Cultural competency is an on-going evaluation. Four major challenges face healthcare professionals. Learn what cultural brokering is and why it is
The Meiji Emperor allows Christian proselytizing alongside Shinto and Buddhism. Japanese dress and architecture illustrate a strong Western influence.
Amish farmers adapt farming techniques exclusive of electrical or diesel-powered engines. Christianity is important social "glue" that binds the community together.
At the heart of the Amish are traditional dress and a way of life based on their religious convictions. In this segment, the Amish participate in a well-loved celebration, and an "adopted" member of the community tells why she joined the g...
Advertisers help create our society's obsession with youth, beauty, and celebrities. They then use this obsession to sell magazines, clothing, and every product imaginable.
Understanding cultural context is the key to effective communication. Culture is a way of thinking and interpreting the world.
Lack of training on security measures creates a chaotic workplace. Workers lose files, putting data at risk. Ninety percent of security problems are human problems and have human solutions.