There are distinct ideological differences between Republicans and Democrats. In recent years the Republicans have become more coherent in their conservatism, whereas Democrats debate about whether or not the party should be more moderate. Democrats...
In the 1948 Presidential election, the Democratic Party is split with Truman's approval at an all time low. The various factions support Strom Thurman, and then Henry Wallace. Republicans unite behind a single candidate, Thomas E. Dewey of New York ...
Historian Peter Onuf explains that the primary difference between the Jefferson presidency and that of John Adams was that Jefferson emphasized state's rights over a strong centralized government, and also paid down the national debt by more than fi...
Republicans in Congress legislate a more radical version of reconstruction through a series of Reconstruction Acts they pass over Johnson's veto. It is clear that they don't want treasons Southerners in Congress within months of the war's end. They ...
Former Secretary of Labor and university professor Robert Reich reflects on his service as Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration. "It was the best job I ever had, it's the best job I ever will have. It was harrowing, it was scary...But it...
For twelve years, control of the new government remains firmly in the hands of the Federalists, but gaining strength in the 1790s is a group that favors a more modest central government. Both points of view are represented in Washington's cabinet. A...
Europeans tend to have a stronger attachment to their political parties, in part because they are sharply divided along social class or religious lines. Many European countries have labor or social democratic parties specifically aimed at the less a...