This program offers an introduction to the process of photosynthesis, through the historical discoveries of Joseph Priestley, Jan Ingenhousz, and Jean Senebier. The classic equation is developed step-by-step, with reference to the role played by eac...
Although the human brain remains a mystery, it is gradually yielding to scientific inquiry - either as the main focus of study or in comparison with other forms of intelligence. This program features doctors and scientists who work with human, anima...
Pioneering methods of human cloning give a paralyzed Texas doctor hope that he will walk again. Meanwhile in England, a couple prepares for the results of cloning the natural way: triplets. In this program, outstanding imagery gives a futuristic, hi...
Drawing on documentary and archival footage, 3-D and 2-D animations, and high-tech imaging, this program investigates a variety of virological topics: the nature of pandemics as illustrated by the SARS outbreak in China; genetic sequencing of Spanis...
This program presents the human body as a complex ecosystem of bacteria, then examines each portion of the body, which bacteria live there, and why. The three major bacterial groups - sphere-shaped cocci, rods, and helical spirochetes and spirilla -...
Psychiatric diagnosis can be classified into several main categories. This program, filmed in the U.K., focuses on alcoholism and the five main areas involving psychoactive substance abuse: dependence syndrome, withdrawal state, withdrawal state wit...
The prairies of the American west, the pampas of Argentina, the steppes of Russia, and the veldt of South Africa all share at least one thing in common: they are covered with miles upon miles of grass. This program can help students learn to identif...
A veritable army of cells is constantly on the alert in our bodies. Its mission is to destroy any foreign cells, viruses, or bacteria that attack the fortress they are protecting, the human body. This program uses stunning imagery to describe the ba...
This collection of 34 visually stunning video clips explores the environment and facets of physics. Properties of rain, ice, snow, oil, trees, volcanoes, and salt are examined, as are aspects of quantum physics, light phenomena, hydrodynamics, therm...
This program uncovers what happens in our minds when we learn, remember, and imagine. It reveals how neurons and synapses lay down knowledge in the brain; ways to improve our ability to acquire knowledge, including increased intake of omega-3 fatty ...