Volume 3, Number 12
This issue covers articles on group, Students Against Forced Funding (SAFF)'s, suit against President Hess over NYPIRG referendum, news of five different attacks on students near campus, and a successful Thanksgiving program held...
Volume 2, Number 13
This issue covers articles on how Governor Mario Cuomo vetoed the proposed budget cuts to CUNY schools and how students took over the Boylan Hall facilities in protest over proposed tuition hikes.
Preferred Citation: Title of N...
Volume 3, Number 8
This issue covers articles on an attack on a BC student on Campus Road, a civil rights complaint filed against BC, and a successful blood drive held by campus groups.
Note: There are duplicates of pages 6 and 7 in the scan.
Volume 3, Number 13
This issue covers articles on accusations of President Hess receiving services from SUBO without charge, a festival called "Colors" that was presented by a group of ethnic clubs, and news of the BC Forensics Team placing second i...
Volume 3, Number 5
This issue covers articles on the BC Psychology Club holding a forum on racism, Student Government's outcry against Policy Council, and NYPIRG's voter registration success.
Note: Due to the quality of the scan some images are ha...