Volume 1, Number 8
This issue covers articles on a heated dispute that erupted during a Student Government meeting, BC college President Hess's conversation about budget cuts with campus press, and information over continued protests over tuition hi...
Vol. XXX – No. 4
This issue contains articles on Albany's passing of the mandatory free tuition bill, changes to the Spring calendar resulting in two extra vacation days, and the opening of the faculty-student lounge.
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Vol. XXXII – No. 3
This issue contains articles on the CUNY-wide campaigns to fight for free tuition, a call for the review of the Chancellor's post, and Major Lindsay's elimination of budget funds for the construction of BC buildings.
Vol. XXXI – No. 11
This issue contains articles on the Executive Council's approval of a legislative amendment for non-affiliate programs, President Gideonse's defense of his right to state views on tuition plans, and students participating in the...
Vol. XXIX – No. 4
This issue contains articles on how the Anti-Tuition Committee of Executive Council has been asked not to engage in political campaigning, the start of rush season for BC Social organizations, and a proposal for a new CUNY colleg...
Vol. XXIX – No. 5
This issue contains articles on the upcoming Leaders' Conference for BC students, the Executive Council's plan to conduct a student survey to gain support to fight against tuition, and the inaugural program for the BC Television ...
Volume 2, Number 6
This issue covers articles on the CLAS Athletics Referendum that passed which allowed the football team to retain funding, the University State Senate (USS) discussed budget cuts, and further discussions of the vandalism of the St...
Vol. XLII – No. 1
This issue contains articles on a commission from the Board of Higher Education's plan to consider charging tuition to CUNY students whose parents earn $10,000 or more annually, President Kneller's hiring of more security guards ...
Volume 2, Number 8
This issue covers articles on news of BC President Hess and CUNY Board of Trustees lobbying in Albany against budget cuts, challenges towards SUBO Corporation by-laws, and the budget approval for the Excelsior.
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Vol. XXXII – No. 4
This issue contains articles on news that the CUNY budget crises may lower fall freshman enrollment, CUNY's free-tuition March has been set, and a proposal from the Board of Higher Education's offer for post-high school educatio...