Talking about the arduous road to the White House, former Secretary of State James A. Baker suggests a system of regional primaries, " that the states don't keep jockeying to be the first...extending the process, making it ever and ever longer."
Former Secretary of Labor and university professor Robert Reich talks about some of the challenges that come with the job of being a Cabinet department Secretary. One of these is trying to reduce government costs while, at the same time, implementin...
Former Secretary of Labor and university professor Robert Reich talks about the "...enormous competition in any White House, in any administration, for the President's attention." Secretary Reich says that, for the most part, he went through what he...
Former Secretary of State James A. Baker talks about how important the first hundred days are for any new Administration. He also explains how the Reagan team laid out a very precise plan for their first hundred days, and stuck to it.
Former Secretary of Labor and university professor Robert Reich talks about the challenge of filling staff positions with political appointees in a Cabinet department. "You're talking about hundreds of people that have to be assembled fairly quickly...
Former White House press secretary Mike McCurry fondly recalls two very different events from his tenure in the Clinton administration. One took place in the White House Rose Garden following a snow storm and involved several staffers making snow an...
Former Secretary of State James A. Baker talks about his move from the White House Chief of Staff job to his position as Secretary of the Treasury. He recounts how there was initially a degree of skepticism about his qualifications, because he hadn'...
Former Secretary of State James A. Baker describes the challenges he faced as President Reagan's Chief of Staff, when the nation was dealing with double digit inflation in the early 1980's. He also talks about the very long hours the White House Chi...
Former Secretary of State James A. Baker notes that he held the position of White House Chief of Staff longer than most, and managed to complete his tenure, "...with my dignity and credibility somewhat intact. And that was a major accomplishment."