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Showing results - 11 to 20 of 73
Ecuador: La Mujer Indígena

Ecuador: La Mujer Indígena

Isolated in jungles, or crowded into large cities, Latin American Indians constitute the most exploited sector of society. This program traces the harsh life of indigenous women from several tribes, including the Otavalan, Puruha, and Quechua of Ecu...

Bolivia: La Coca, Alimento de los Pobres

Bolivia: La Coca, Alimento de los Pobres

The plight of women in this poverty-ridden nation is examined on varying social and economic levels. A congresswoman discusses her fight against cocaine production and use; a teacher struggles against government apathy toward education; a peasant wo...

Unbreakable: One Girl Changing the World - The Story of Malala

Unbreakable: One Girl Changing the World - The Story of Malala

“They cannot stop me. I will get my education,” declares Malala Yousafzai in this riveting ABC News interview, filmed in the wake of the young activist’s 2013 trip to the United States. Her resoluteness and courage are unmistakable, but as she...

Awakening: Makers: Women Who Make America

Awakening: Makers: Women Who Make America

The story of the birth of the modern Women’s Movement is framed by two important publications - The Feminine Mystique and Ms. Magazine - and by the women who authored them: Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem. When Friedan’s book came out in 1963, ...

Puerto Rico: El Paraíso Invadido

Puerto Rico: El Paraíso Invadido

This program examines the work of the resolute women of the Puerto Rican independence movement. The first woman mayor of San Juan, Felisa Rincon, discusses problems of delinquency and crime within the culture, and how women are contributing to a sol...

Changing the World: Makers: Women Who Make America

Changing the World: Makers: Women Who Make America

The Women’s Movement begins to break out of the campuses and urban centers where it originated to affect nearly every man, woman and child in America. In the early 1970s, feminism became a force that reshaped the relationships between men and wome...



The program examines the Dominican Republic that tourists rarely see—a nation of sex markets, prostitution, poverty, and lack of educational opportunities. The current economic crisis and its effect on middle-class life are discussed, along with e...

Charting a New Course: Makers: Women Who Make America

Charting a New Course: Makers: Women Who Make America

A focused look at the workplace, where individual women crashed through the glass ceiling, and to the courts, where they waged a battle against the “hidden injuries” of battery, harassment and rape. Two women - in very different ways - asserted ...

Women in the silk

Women in the silk

Outlines the history of silk mills in Paterson, New Jersey. The first mill opened in 1840, and working conditions were very poor. Workers were killed or injured due to lack of safety standards, most of whom were young immigrant women. Conflicts bet...