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Showing results - 11 to 13 of 13
Building Consensus

Building Consensus

Director of the National Economic Council and former Secretary of the Treasury Lawrence Summers talks about the importance of forging consensus and finding common ground as the key to getting things done politically.

Struggle for Equality, The: Equality in Practice?

Struggle for Equality, The: Equality in Practice?

Examples of sexism and racism still exist in employment, housing, medical care, and education. Legality does not necessarily equal equality. Paula McClain and Lani Guinier give examples of the types of inequality that persist: inequality in the work...

illumira Closed Captions

illumira Closed Captions

The webcast highlights how illumira provides you the tools you need and the ease you want in creating closed captions for your digital media. Make an impact on all of your students by making sure all your content is accessible. You can check out Fle...