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Showing results - 11 to 20 of 37
Eliminating or Minimizing Risk

Eliminating or Minimizing Risk

This clip talks about ways to eliminate or minimize potential risks, such as buying an existing business or buying into a franchise. Sometimes, the clip explains, the best way to reduce risk is simply by using common sense.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration, The

Occupational Safety and Health Administration, The

This clip examines the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The clip notes that this is the government agency that regulates safety in the workplace, including the design and layout of the physical plant, as well as specific types o...

Characteristics of the Entrepreneur

Characteristics of the Entrepreneur

This clip explores the personal characteristics of the "typical" entrepreneur, as well as the challenges and opportunities that come with operating a small business.

Selecting the Right Location: Region and City

Selecting the Right Location: Region and City

This clip looks at some of the options for where to locate a business. The initial decision involves what region and then what city in which to locate. Some of the factors that go into the decision include location of customers, competition and supp...

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, The

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, The

This clip explains that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission monitors and regulates employer/employee relations. Among the areas the EEOC oversees are job postings, descriptions and interviews, as well as job advancements, disciplinary action...

Environmental Protection Agency, The

Environmental Protection Agency, The

This clip looks at the role of the Environmental Protection Agency in monitoring and enforcing regulations pertaining to the preservation and protection of the environment. The clip explains that the EPA also attempts to help small businesses deal w...

Entrepreneurship and Managing

Entrepreneurship and Managing

This clip points out that the long-term success of a small business is dependent on a number of factors, including sound management.

Small Business Innovation Research Program

Small Business Innovation Research Program

This clips talks about the Small Business Innovation Research program, which provides research and development grants for prospective entrepreneurs.

Goals, Plans and Strategies

Goals, Plans and Strategies

This clip talks about the importance of creating a business plan that clearly and realistically outlines goals and strategies for a new company.

Potential Disadvantages of Buying Into a Franchise

Potential Disadvantages of Buying Into a Franchise

This clip explains that, when buying a franchise, the entrepreneur gives up much of the freedom that comes with starting a new business. This must be weighed against the advantages of purchasing a franchise, which are considerable.