Professor of psychiatry and author Kay Redfield Jamison talks about the confusion that sometimes occurs during attempts to diagnose or characterize psychiatric illnesses. "The evidence has been clear for a long time," Dr. Jamison explains, "that the...
Professor of psychiatry and author Kay Redfield Jamison talks about her decision to stop seeing patients after her book was published and she went public about her illness. "I had written a very personal book," Dr. Jamison says, "and I felt very str...
Professor of psychiatry and author Kay Redfield Jamison says that, in rare instances, "...there's an unusual combination that can occur in some people...where you have someone who's imaginative to begin with, and then give them an intense mood disor...
Professor of psychiatry and author Kay Redfield Jamison talks about the high levels of Lithium she took early in her treatment. Dr. Jamison explains this was done to "get my mania in line," but also because it was the standard of medical care at the...
Professor of psychiatry and author Kay Redfield Jamison talks about the progress that's been made in better understanding and treating bipolar illness in the years since she and co-author Fred Goodwin wrote their textbook. "I would say sixty to seve...