This clip presents unit conversion problems involving sleep that can be solved by utilizing unit equivalences for seconds to minutes and minutes to hours, and then either multiplying or dividing.
This clip introduces unit conversion factors of time involving days and hours. "It is not important to memorize these factors," the clip explains. "As long as you already know the equivalences, you can figure out the unit conversion factors." The cl...
This clip takes the student through the process of solving problems involving unit equivalences for time. As part of this process, it introduces a number of important terms and concepts, including unit conversion and unit cancellation.
This clip summarizes measurement and unit conversion. The clip explains methods for converting from one unit to another, including "...the method in which we always multiply. This method is called 'unit cancellation.' In unit cancellation, we use a ...
This clip presents a practical problem about machines and how long they can go between repairs. The solution involves equivalences for converting years to days and days to hours.
This clip introduces the subject of fractions and delineates the components of a fraction: the numerator and the denominator.
This clip explains that using percent to express values provides an easy means by which to compare fractions. The clip notes that, since there's a common denominator of 100, all that's needed to compare fractions expressed as a percent is to compare...
This clip summarizes signed fractions. It explains that negative fractions are just as useful as any other kind of negative number. The clip then re-visits the question of what exactly constitutes a negative fraction. It states that, if the numerato...
This clip asks the question, "What is it that's negative about a negative fraction?", then considers examples when the numerator or the denominator is negative, or when both are. The clip works through each of these scenarios to determine which, if ...
This clip explains that we can think of any whole number as a fraction with a denominator of 1, and any fraction with a denominator of 1 as a whole number. The clip also explains that we can't have fractions with a denominator of 0.