This clip explains that, "
.changing a decimal to a fraction or a mixed number isn't much trouble," then proceeds to illustrate that statement with examples. The clip adds that the fraction may be (but doesn't have to be) reduced to the lowest term...
Rational expressions with different denominators are added and the procedure explained.
The rules for adding and subtracting rational expressions are similar to those for adding and subtracting rational numbers, beginning with the rule that in order to be added, rational numbers must have the same denominator. Addition examples are dem...
A guideline is presented: a simplified radical expression never has radicals in the denominator. An expression with a radical in the denominator, but not in the numerator, is simplified using the identity property of multiplication and the process o...
Examples of simplifying radical expressions with division when numerators contains a binomial.
Two division problems with radicals are demonstrated.
A radical can only be divided by another radical. In the examples demonstrated, the only radical is in the numerator. The radical simplified and the fraction reduced.
Rational expressions with different denominators are added.