The continental margin is the submerged outer edge of a continent. Comprised of granitic crust, the continental margin includes the continental shelf and continental slope.
Subject: sediment
Transcript: to which they eventually lead. Min fact, some of the sediment deposited Mon a continental shelf may contain valuable resources similar to those on the
Although it comprises more than half of Earth's surface area, the deep ocean floor was a region of near total mystery until fairly recently. Even now, efforts to map ocean basins are in their infancy.
Subject: sediment
Transcript: . even now, efforts to map ocean basins are in their infancy. what is known is that these areas consist mainly of oceanic ridge systems and sediment
A submarine canyon is a steep, V-shaped valley that cuts across the edge of the continental shelf and slope. It acts as a funnel, carrying sediment
Subject: sediment
Transcript: is much steeper Than the surrounding shelf itself or slope. They basically act as funnels for the sediment to get Down into the abyssal plains