Using the substitution method to solve a system of equation.
The elimination method of solving a system of equations is demonstrated.
Using the substitution method with a system of equations to solve a practical problem involving use of shelf space.
Practical problems that involve finding a single solution that satisfies two conditions or requirements can be solved using a system of equations. The substitution method is demonstrated in an example involving pay rates for two employee groups and ...
Explanation of the elimination method of solving a system of equations. Adding the equations to eliminate a variable is quicker than using the substitution method, but requires that both equations be in the same form and that the system contain an a...
A practical problem is presented that demonstrates a situation in which two variables and a system of equations is the easiest way to reach a solution.
Writing a two-variable system of equations to solve a practical problem involving rate, time, and distance using a table to help organize the information.
Review of techniques that can be used in solving systems of equations, including the elimination method and the substitution method.
Using the elimination method of calculate the hourly pay rates of an electrician and his apprentice on two different jobs given the total cost of each job.
The least common multiple strategy reveals a system of equations that has not solution.