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Big Picture, The

Big Picture, The

Personal selling offers a broad range of career opportunities requiring a wide variety of expertise and skills on the part of the salesperson. Positions range from entry level jobs as sales trainees to highly paid sales supervisors and managers.

Preserve, Protect, and Defend: Current Status of the U. S. Military

Preserve, Protect, and Defend: Current Status of the U. S. Military

The defense capability of the United States, though aged, still reflects the prestige it had during the Cold War period with a defense budget larger than that of all other countries. The only two countries with some capability of operating intercont...

Education and Training

Education and Training

Former Secretary of Labor and university professor Robert Reich argues that we don't have to chose between the low unemployment but frequently low wages of the American system, and a European system with wage rigidity that prevents wages from going ...

Reactions to Change

Reactions to Change

Whether change is driven by outside forces or by decisions made within an organization, the initial reaction of most employees is frequently negative.

Leadership and Motivation

Leadership and Motivation

This clip talks about the need for entrepreneurs to refine their leadership skills. This involves not only motivating and directing employees, but listening to their needs and instilling a sense of teamwork and shared commitment.

Managers and Ethics

Managers and Ethics

Some believe that managers need to be provided with a corporate code of ethics that might serve as a kind of road map in the face of difficult choices. But it would still be incumbent upon the manager to find out the facts in a given situation and t...

Working With Other Departments

Working With Other Departments

Former Secretary of Labor and university professor Robert Reich talks about other departments with which those in the Department of Labor must often collaborate, including the Department of Education and the Treasury Department. Secretary Reich cite...