This clip summarizes the key points in Part 3 of Multiplying Whole Numbers, whose goal is to teach students to multiply any whole numbers, however large. The key points include expanded notation, the 100 multiplication facts, arrays, and partial pro...
This clip introduces the subject of fractions and delineates the components of a fraction: the numerator and the denominator.
This clip continues the previous discussion about viewing division as a shortcut for repeated subtraction or as the opposite of multiplication.
This clip explains that division is a shortcut for repeated subtraction, and is also the opposite of multiplication.
This clip summarizes signed fractions. It explains that negative fractions are just as useful as any other kind of negative number. The clip then re-visits the question of what exactly constitutes a negative fraction. It states that, if the numerato...
This clip explains that, "
it's just as important to introduce negative fractions as any other negative numbers." The clip then provides practical examples of how and when negative fractions are used, such as when money is owed or when the temperat...
This clip explains that, just as every whole number has its place on the number line, so does every fraction. The clip then talks about how to divide the number line into sections that correspond to fractions. The clip also talks about the use of fr...
This clip explains that we can think of any whole number as a fraction with a denominator of 1, and any fraction with a denominator of 1 as a whole number. The clip also explains that we can't have fractions with a denominator of 0.
This clip explores additional uses of fractions, such as expressing parts of a whole, representing division, and replacing remainders.
This clip explains that fractions can be used to make comparisons between whole numbers.