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Showing results - 2811 to 2815 of 2815
1920s...Beyond the Glitter, The: Religious Fundamentalism

1920s...Beyond the Glitter, The: Religious Fundamentalism

In the 1920s, new scientific discoveries are challenging traditional religious views. One clear example is the Scopes Trial of 1925 over whether or not evolution can be taught public schools.

1920s...Beyond the Glitter, The: Party Politics

1920s...Beyond the Glitter, The: Party Politics

The 1928 presidential candidate for the Democrats, Governor Al Smith, is the first to attract urban working class voters that will be part of the Roosevelt coalition. The Republicans seem to have a secure hold on presidency and Congress during these...

1920s...Beyond the Glitter, The: Hoover-Smith Presidential Race, The

1920s...Beyond the Glitter, The: Hoover-Smith Presidential Race, The

Republicans choose Herbert Hoover as their Presidential candidate in 1928. Democrats nominate New York Governor Al Smith. While Smith is popular with the metropolitan areas in the north, he has little in common with the farmers in the Midwest or Sou...

1920s...Beyond the Glitter, The: Comparison of Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge, A

1920s...Beyond the Glitter, The: Comparison of Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge, A

President Warren Harding takes office in 1921 choosing cabinet members that prove to have a long political history; Herbert Hoover and Charles Evan Hughes. President Harding is linked to a political scandal known as the Teapot Dome Scandal where pub...

1920s...Beyond the Glitter, The: Agricultural Technology and Plight of the Farmer

1920s...Beyond the Glitter, The: Agricultural Technology and Plight of the Farmer

Farmers had expanded production rapidly during World War I. Now that the war is over, competition from recovered foreign producers lowers potential returns while costs remain fixed. The decade of the 1920s is difficult for farmers.