The faultline between Blacks and Jews is one of the most visible symbols of America's racial divide. This film, made collaboratively by Jewish and Black filmmakers, goes behind the headlines and the rhetoric to try to heal the misunderstanding and m...
Collision Course traces the dramatic rise and fall of workplace cooperation at Eastern Airlines. In so doing, the film uncovers the deep-seated assumptions which underlie our culture of industrial relations and prevent us from breaking out of our in...
A compelling and sardonic essay on the history of colonialism in Cameroon, and by extension, on the African continent. Focuses on historical as well as contemporary European cultural domination, particularly in the publishing and media industry.
About this title: Children of SNCC veterans presented their memories of SNCC and the lessons they learned from a young age.
About the series: This series provides a complete record of every panel and plenary session at the 50th conference. They are...
Robert F. Williams was the forefather of the Black Power movement and broke dramatic new ground by internationalizing the African American struggle. Negroes with Guns is not only an electrifying look at an historically erased leader, but also provid...
About this title: This panel discusses the Southwest Georgia Project, one of SNCC's earliest and most significant campaigns. Project Director, Charles Sherrod, one of the first of the college students to leave school to work full-time for SNCC, poin...
About this title: Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia so dominate the image of SNCC's work that its organizing projects in Arkansas, Cambridge, Maryland and Danville, Virginia are often overlooked. The panelists reflect on the events in Danville - the ...
About this title: This session looks at what made SNCC "radical" by focusing on the people who worked with SNCC. The session also addresses the emergence of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP). Although 96 percent of its members were den...
Studies the effects on steelworkers and their families of the United States Steel Corporation’s shutdown of its plant in Homestead, Pennsylvania. Examines the decline of the American steel industry as a result of its refusal to modernize steel-pro...
About this title: The Black church was born in struggle in the midst of slavery, and despite laws and vigilante actions targeting it for destruction the church has not only survived, but has played a sustained and central role over more than 300 yea...