The promise of the Declaration of Independence is finally extended to Blacks through four monumental pieces of legislation. At the same time, the Supreme Court strengthens the rights of the accused through its landmark Miranda ruling.
No biological sciences have more promise for the future of mankind than genetics and microbiology. Microbiology, which includes genetics, is the story of understanding how the cell works. All life is cellular life ... All animal and plant tissue is ...
Program three recounts the movements that extended civil rights to Blacks, Chinese-Americans, American Indians, and Jewish Americans.
Americans launch the drive for universal education to make sure there is an enlightened citizenry that knows its civil rights. At the same time, the country expands the idea of all men are created equal to include Blacks.
About this title: As the Age of Industrialization reached its zenith in Europe and America, playwrights responded by delving into the depths of the human mind. Program three shows how European and American playwrights turned to psychology for inspir...
About this title: Program four examines how the epicenter of the theater and playwriting shifted to the United States, and how the musical became a major part of the theater.
About the Series: From the beginnings of western democracy in ancient Gre...
About this title: Program one examines the origins of plays and the earliest playwrights in Ancient Greece to the influences from Greek and Roman theater and the Renaissance writers of the Elizabethan Age.
About the Series: From the beginnings of w...
About this title: At the end of the 20th Century and the beginning of the 21st, change engulfed the world from social issues to the transmission of information. In Program five we'll see how playwrights dealt with the psychological and social change...
About this title: Program two investigates how playwrights all over Europe reacted to social change in the Age of Industrialization.
About the Series: From the beginnings of western democracy in ancient Greece, plays have been a part of the human e...
Episode 7 showcases the decades of the 60s and 70s, the greatest era of equal rights the nation has ever seen with equality extended to consumers, the elderly, gays, women, workers and children.