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Showing results - 21 to 24 of 24
Codes of Life: Evolutionary Psychology and Adaptation

Codes of Life: Evolutionary Psychology and Adaptation

Genetic predispositions help explain both our shared human nature as well as our individual differences. Evolutionary psychology takes a broader view, over a longer period of time, to determine the strategies that are useful for preserving the spe...

Different Strokes: Gender and Racial Divide, The

Different Strokes: Gender and Racial Divide, The

Cultural traditions often prescribe gender roles and relationships between women and men, ranging from the subordination of women to relative equality. Other than the biological differences between men and women, research indicates that the psycho...



Psychologist and author Paul Ekman talks about work he's done that can be used to help determine if someone is being deceptive. Dr. Ekman adds that part of his work in this area has to do with understanding why people lie, why some lies fail and oth...

What Are Emotions?

What Are Emotions?

Psychologist and author Paul Ekman talks about the characteristics of emotions. He also discusses how emotions are triggered, noting that, "...emotions are triggered without our being able to witness (the) process or really influence it very much."