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Showing results - 21 to 30 of 43
Violent Behavior and Gender

Violent Behavior and Gender

Dean Hamer, Director of the Gene Structure and Regulation Unit at the National Cancer Institute, talks about the disparity in the number of violent acts committed by men as compared to women. While he recognizes that there may well be social phenome...

Genetics and Sexuality (Part One)

Genetics and Sexuality (Part One)

Dean Hamer, Director of the Gene Structure and Regulation Unit at the National Cancer Institute, talks about the great diversity that characterizes human sexuality. Dr. Hamer notes that while social factors often affect sexuality and the way it is p...

Age Happens: Aging...It Starts Sooner Than You Think!

Age Happens: Aging...It Starts Sooner Than You Think!

Aging is the pattern of life changes that occurs naturally as people grow older. After the age of about 30 the body begins its slow, inexorable decline, although it will be decades before the real effects become apparent.

Genetics and Sexuality (Part Three)

Genetics and Sexuality (Part Three)

Dean Hamer, Director of the Gene Structure and Regulation Unit at the National Cancer Institute, talks about the impact of a gene that, "...alters the dopamine in the brain, which then has an indirect effect on sexuality through personality."

Genetics and Sexuality (Part Two)

Genetics and Sexuality (Part Two)

Dean Hamer, Director of the Gene Structure and Regulation Unit at the National Cancer Institute, talks about the partner diversity or monogamy aspect of sexuality. Dr. Hamer points out that, besides individual differences, there are also differences...

Sexual Orientation and Genetics (Part One)

Sexual Orientation and Genetics (Part One)

Dean Hamer, Director of the Gene Structure and Regulation Unit at the National Cancer Institute, talks about the possibility that there is a genetic component to sexual orientation. Dr. Hamer also discusses some differences between men and women in ...

It's Personal: Sexual Orientation

It's Personal: Sexual Orientation

Sexual orientation refers to a person's preference of partners, a continuum that ranges from preference for members of the opposite sex (heterosexuality) to preference for members of the same sex (homosexuality). More people are on the extremes of t...

It's Personal: Factors that Influence Sexual Orientation

It's Personal: Factors that Influence Sexual Orientation

The factors that influence a person's sexual orientation have long been debated. People who are profoundly opposed to homosexuality for religious or cultural reasons think it is a question of choice. Genetic research has revealed that a series of ma...

It's Personal: Diversity of Sexual Desire

It's Personal: Diversity of Sexual Desire

Learning about sexuality involves not only the biology of sex but also its diversity. No two people have exactly the same desires nor the same idea of how to fulfill them. Bridging these differences between partners requires a great deal of communic...

Breaking Addictions

Breaking Addictions

Dean Hamer, Director of the Gene Structure and Regulation Unit at the National Cancer Institute, talks about efforts to determine, "...whether or not there is a genetic basis for why some people find it easy to stop smoking, and other people find it...