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Kingsman, January 12, 1968

Vol. XXXV – No. 14 This issue contains articles on President Syrett's meeting with publication representatives, BC legalizing sitting on some parts of campus grass areas and ending prohibition of liquor on campus, and immediate salary raises slate...

Kingsman, April 18, 1969

Vol. XXXVIII – No. 7 This issue contains articles on a student sit-in that occurred at a Faculty Council meeting, BC President Peck's pledge to listen to student demands, and news on an art exhibit sponsored by the Brooklyn League of Afro-American...

Kingsman, December 22, 1967

Vol. XXXV – No. 12 This issue contains articles on President Kilcoyne's retirement, the Faculty Council's approval of a four-year nursing program, and news that 55 students were listed as candidates in campus elections as delegates for a constitut...

Kingsman, September 20, 1968

Vol. XXXVII – No. 2 This issue contains articles on President Syrett's affirmation of stance on not dropping the criminal trespassing charges against arrested BC students and information about the Student Government's new direction in first fillin...

Kingsman, November 15, 1968

Vol. XXXVII – No. 10 This issue contains articles on the election of a majority of United Students Party members for Student Government, the retirement of the Dean of Faculties, and President Syrett's urging for a curriculum change. Preferred Ci...

Kingsman, November 17, 1961

Vol. XXIII—No. 9 November 17, 1961 In a speech before City College, President Gideonse claims academic freedom was not violated in the banning of communist speakers, BC Booters claim half of Met Crown in 3 way tie with Queens and Pratt, Free CUNY...

Kingsman, February 20, 1970

Vol. XL – No. 3 This issue contains articles on a letter President Kneller wrote to the State Supreme Court urging them to drop charges against 19 BC students, two proposed amendments to impeachment procedures for Student Government were defeated ...

Kingsman, May 8, 1970

Vol. XL – No. 11 This issue contains articles on upcoming discussions to be held by President Kneller with faculty over whether or not to close down BC for the duration of the semester following the student boycotts of classes, the 'liberation' of...

Kingsman, April 25, 1969

Vol. XXXVIII – No. 8 This issue contains articles on President Peck's response to the demands of a 'Students Coalition,' amid massive student sit-in and information of damage and arson in several BC buildings. Note: The position of the page numbe...