PDF text: proposition that
hts provide no cloak for the denial of civil rights, and the
hmmodation clauses of the federal civil rights legislation
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PDF text: Abortion: Litigative and Legislative Processes
Summary of Symposium
Roy Lucas
History of abortion reform, 23; Abortion reform litigation problems
Professor of Sociology and Public Policy Dalton Conley talks about Civil Rights legislation and equal opportunity in the United States. Professor
Transcript: I think the civil rights legislation of The 1960's opened the game up, Let blacks and other minorities onto The playing field, but did nothing To
conformity with the Constitution." Justices do legislate from the bench, argues Jonathan Varat. "No one who interprets the law with discretion and has to make
Transcript: are often talking About whether judges legislate from the bench Or don't legislate from the bench, And it's not a terribly meaningful comment Because no
Virginia Colonists created the colonies' first Representative Assembly, the House of Burgesses, while in New England, the leaders of Puritanism, like Thomas Hooker, believed the free consent of the governed gave government its authority and Ca...
PDF text: Rock-Quarius
Presented by
MARCH 21, 1970
Fresh Fruit in
PDF text: Some Legislative Aspects of the Birth-Control Problem
Source: Harvard Law Review, Vol. 45, No. 4, (Feb., 1932), pp. 723-729
Published by: The Harvard
In comparison to other pressures that face members of Congress as they make voting decisions, party interests sometimes take a back seat. Still representatives know just how important it is for their party to be in control. Sometimes mistakes are ma...