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Susan B. Anthony: School Teacher

Susan B. Anthony: School Teacher

In 1838, Susan takes a job as a school teacher. Insecure at first, her confidence slowly develops. Anthony comes to value her independence, and for

Susan B. Anthony: Unpopular Cause

Susan B. Anthony: Unpopular Cause

Anthony travels for 5 months through snow and bad weather to give lectures in small towns throughout New York. Many preachers denounce her work.

Susan B. Anthony: Future Prospects

Susan B. Anthony: Future Prospects

For Elizabeth Cady Stanton, meeting Lucretia Mott is a turning point in her life. Mott and Stanton, disgusted by their treatment in London, decide to hold a women's anti-slavery convention in the States.

Susan B. Anthony: Temperance Union

Susan B. Anthony: Temperance Union

Anthony's first cause is temperance, the most widespread reform movement of the time. It is the key to stopping the outrage of domestic violence

Letters Between Stanton and Anthony

Letters Between Stanton and Anthony

Anthony writes to Stanton about her loneliness and lapses in devotion. Stanton writes that she would do anything to help her and reminds her that

CC19 9.3 Anthony Mascarenhas

CC19 9.3 Anthony Mascarenhas

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Susan B. Anthony: A Driven Woman

Susan B. Anthony: A Driven Woman

Anthony is possessed of a moral force that drives her forward against all obstacles. She travels the country, speaking and gathering new alliances

Susan B. Anthony: On the Road Again

Susan B. Anthony: On the Road Again

Susan B. Anthony becomes the living symbol of women's suffrage. She ceaselessly campaigns all over the country.