This series offers learners an in-depth analysis of the wisdom of the Western world, The Examined Life studies the "Great Questions" that have intrigued philosophers from antiquity to the present. Using writings of past philosophers and interviews w...
What is philosophy? How is it related to other fields of thought? How is it different? In response to these questions, nine preeminent scholars create an insightful view of philosophy and the role it plays in contemporary society.
This program summarizes and distills what we have learned about the great religions in this series. Smith’s lifetime of experience and study helps him to go beyond the differences between each tradition. He shows how the cultivation of virtues val...
Perhaps the most famous example of how "to do" philosophy was provided by Plato's teacher, Socrates. Socrates loved to be with people, to talk with them, argue with them, and ask them what they thought about a variety of subjects. In Plato's Apology...
This series offers learners an in-depth analysis of the wisdom of the Western world, The Examined Life studies the "Great Questions" that have intrigued philosophers from antiquity to the present. Using writings of past philosophers and interviews w...
This series offers learners an in-depth analysis of the wisdom of the Western world, The Examined Life studies the "Great Questions" that have intrigued philosophers from antiquity to the present. Using writings of past philosophers and interviews w...
Plato's parable of the cave, written in the 4th century B.C.E., portrays how philosophy works. In the parable prisoners sit in the bottom of a cave, their heads chained so they can only see shadows cast by objects moving in front of a fire. We are l...
Philosopher Hilary Putnam makes the case for connecting the different fields of philosophy. As an example, he cites ethics and epistemology, arguing that looking at these together would enable us to see things in a different light.
Philosopher Stephen Toulmin talks about the challenge of defining philosophy. During the course of his remarks, Professor Toulmin mentions Ludwig Wittgenstein, with whom he studied in Cambridge. Wittgenstein used to say that the best way to understa...
Philosopher John Searle provides an overview of philosophy, noting that it doesn't have a clear definition. As part of the discussion, Professor Searle contrasts philosophical questions and scientific questions.