Vol. XXXVIII – No. 1
This issue contains articles on the proposed budget cuts to CUNY budget by Governor Rockefeller, an address on the state of the college, and the rejection by the Student Government to be a part of the tenure advisory panel unl...
Vol. XXXV – No. 7
This issue contains articles on the BC library's plan to go before City Council requesting an additional budget for restoration needs, the Faculty Council's Committee of Seven's report on the recent student strike, and news that ...
Vol. XXXVI – No. 4
This issue contains articles on news that a judge issued orders for a preliminary hearing against an injunction on BC professor Peggy Dobbins, budget cuts against CUNY's Search For Education, Elevation, and Knowledge (SEEK) prog...
Vol. XXXIX – No. 7
This issue contains articles on how the planned creation of the City University Research Foundation (CURF) prompted a 'financial battle' between CUNY colleges and the grants and research offices, response in the attempts of the ...
Vol. XXXII – No. 3
This issue contains articles on the CUNY-wide campaigns to fight for free tuition, a call for the review of the Chancellor's post, and Major Lindsay's elimination of budget funds for the construction of BC buildings.
Vol. XXXVI – No. 11
This issue contains articles on new special admission procedures enacted, such as pass-fail grading, in order to increase non-white enrollment, the slashing of the Search For Education, Elevation, and Knowledge (SEEK) budget re...
Vol. XXXVIII – No. 5
This issue contains articles on the results of the student mobilization to Albany to protest CUNY budget cuts, results from the Student Government elections, and news of curriculum changes seen in several BC programs.
Note: ...
Vol. XXXIX – No. 11
This issue contains articles on news of Professor Bell's resignation from his role as acting coordinator of BC's Afro-American Institute, the CUNY budget likely to face a fiscal cutback, and details of how 850,000 men were assi...
Vol. XXXII – No. 4
This issue contains articles on news that the CUNY budget crises may lower fall freshman enrollment, CUNY's free-tuition March has been set, and a proposal from the Board of Higher Education's offer for post-high school educatio...
Vol. XXXV – No. 1
This issue contains articles on the role the revised student deferment laws play on undergraduates, BC's announcement of regulations for the pass-fail grading experiment, and further details on the restoration of the CUNY budget....